Monday, July 14, 2008

Sunday, June 8, 2008

more knitting

Tank top for Shiah, my own pattern

Got buttons for my Cardigan today tried it on for 10 seconds then ripped it off lol its 90 degrees here

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Some Sewing and knitting

Some socks Show off Stranded socks pattern on raverly as a free download. Yarn is Claudia's Handpainted
close up of the no pick up gusset heel
Basic top down short row heel for my mama
Can you guess which fabric is Shiah's favorite?! Pattern from Otto 3/08 design 11 and 12 Shiah is in desperate need of non dress clothing for sports and she thinks shorts are evil so hopefully these will meet her approval

Gymnastics Birthday Party

We had the kids birthday party where they take their weekly gymnastics class. It was a blast :D Everyone ran around like manics and then we pumped them full of sugar and send them home with their parents lol

Shiah's Dance Recital

We have a wonderful small class of Homeschooling girls and the girls have had so much fun this year. Hopefully we'll all be together next year! The girls danced to Maybe from Annie

Monday, May 12, 2008

My Baby is 5

Oh so bitter sweet. I don't know how it is possible. 5 Years! My sweet little baby boy, not so much on the baby anymore. How did he become this strong little opinionated funny guy. I can't wait to see what the future holds for you!

This was just the 'family' party the real birthday party will be June 1st a combined party with Shiah who will be turning 7

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

New Homeschool space

still to come a white board wall :D in the section I have not taking pictures off cause it's full of 2 large piles of stuff to sell/donate

Easter egg hunting

Catching up on knitting and some painting

sweet baby hats

Sweater for Shiah

Painted the bathroom so less scary now!

Little bit of needle felting

Blizzard 08

Yeah I'm running behind on my blogging